10 comments on “Henry hibernates

  1. Nice to know Henry is safely ensconced in his hutch. I read about the tortoise that someone rescued on the highway over in the UK somewhere and instantly thought of Henry and how lucky he is to be in a good home! This is a little earlier than last year even, isn’t it, for him to start his hibernation?

  2. I am not sure of exact dates but I think he is about a week later than last year. There seems to be a period before hibernation when Henry emerges from under his bush for a very short period only on one sunny day in three. He comes out on to the grass and then dozes for a couple of hours before going back again. He seems to be waiting for me to tell him when to hibernate by putting him in his hutch where it will be uniformly cool and dark and undisturbed.
    Theoretically, he could be awake again by Christmas – for the first time in the 25 years (or thereabouts) that he has been with us.

  3. I was wondering about Henry the other day. The weather here is a touch cooler, and everyone is getting themselves worked up about autumn. I was thinking he might be heading for his hibernation relatively soon.

    He does look quite dashing in his photo – the dandelion is a nice touch. Thanks for letting us fans know about his activity (or lack of activity, more precisely).

  4. Faith and Daisy E.
    No problem. I have signed up to your tortoise group on Henry’s behalf. I am sure he will be interested to find out how, and why, Daisy Elizabeth avoids hibernating.

  5. Thanks for the link Shoreacres. Super pictures. Amused to read that turtles have long memories and I assume it applies to tortoises as well.
    By the way, in theory, Henry could wake from hibernation in another four weeks, though probably not until January. So the daily “Henry Inspection” will be starting soon.

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